Organizations are constantly looking for solutions which can enhance the efficiency level of their businesses. Since most of the companies need instant accessibility to important data so that they can make decisions quickly and strategically, it is crucial that they have competent employees to apply Financial Modeling tools.

IMnS understands the importance of training employees in Financial Modeling domain – giving the organization an edge among its competitors. All of our training courses in budgeting, financial analysis and financial modeling are designed in a way that the business professionals will enhance their analytical skill set using Microsoft Excel. Our expert will show you the technique of creating the best and practical budgets, forecasts, financial models and analytical reports.

Financial Modeling Training services offered by IMnS

  • Mergers and acquisitions– Our professional will assist you in generating a report which is close to financial reality of the deal. With the help of financial modeling, you will have a picture of all possible outcomes – ensuring that your decision is a productive one.
  • Startup financing– With the help of financial modeling, our expert will create an appropriate and true financial positon of your company – making you eligible for the loan.
  • Financial analysis– The expert will assist you in preparing financial statements with in-depth analytical report – allowing you to make effective business decisions.
  • Financial forecasting and budgeting– Since a business needs to do future planning, it needs to work on its financial health as well. The financial modeling tools will ensure that you keep track of your budgeted and actual expenses, revenues and monetary figures – ensuring that cash flow cycle is smooth and running.

Delivery mediums of training

In order to ensure that your training will give you desired benefits, we are offering following mediums of training:

  • In-house physical– One to one training in board or conference room can be arranged if you want to have in-house physical training for your employees.
  • Online live– The virtual platform can be used for online training sessions. Our trainer will ensure that all the aspects of tools are explained properly.
  • Online recorded– If you don’t have time for live sessions, then we can design and share recorded training sessions for you so that you can get benefitted from it.
  • Customized– The best option is to go for customization so that you can have a perfect blend of physical and online training sessions. All the aspects of training will be decided with your coordination.

Benefits of IMnS Financial Modeling Training

  • Quicker and efficient decision making
  • Developing professional and strategic business plans
  • Work as a team to provide financial support for new or improvised projects
  • Use Excel effectively in day-to-day activities to make material decisions
  • Developing good understanding about the fundamentals and methodologies of Financial Modeling

Financial Modeling is changing the way of thinking. If you want to thrive and prosper in the business world, then contact us now for embedding Financial Modeling tools in your operational framework.


I hired Ilyas to help me with a business plan for my startup company. We are trying to get funding, and that requires a very detailed business plan to cover all the finance. Ilyas did an amazing job! He was so helpful and responsive. He took extra steps to ensure there were no mistakes and made great financial predictions. He is a pro in his field. I would recommend him anytime!

Ekaterina Vargataia
Ekaterina Vargataia

llyas just completed our financial remodeling and as a client, I have to say, he is a very professional individual in his field, (Financing / Financing Remodeling), I am extremely happy with his level of professionalism and dedication and his willingness to help and assist me with our financial remodeling.

Tony Henry

Ilyas possesses exceptional talent and creativity when it comes to financial matters. His innovative approaches to finance truly set him apart from others in the field. Working alongside him was a pleasure, and it provided both of us with the opportunity to delve deep into our shared passion for crunching numbers and financial analysis.

Hisham Koshak
Co-Founder & CEO